Thursday, May 8, 2008

St. Patrick's Day, Dublin 2008

March 17th, 2008: Dublin, Ireland

From the accents and people observed and from personal experience, all the Americans studying abroad in Europe during March fly to Ireland for St. Patrick's day.

I had a friend come to Ireland for the weekend with a bunch of her friends studying in Rome,
an American student housemate had friends also studying abroad in Rome come and visit for St. Patrick's day,

and a friend of mine from my University was studying in London for the term and was going to come to Dublin with her classmates for the weekend as well but didn't because everything was booked.
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Monday, May 5, 2008

Video of the Post - Lykke Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone

Via Stereogum

In the next Farm Bill...

If American lawmakers want to 'help out farmers' and support renewable domestic energy sources, they should expand subsidies to Piganol
. (Long or Short Capital)