Thing: EZ's Brick Oven Grill
Where: 3918 N. Lamar, Austin, TX
When: Thursday Evening, December 20th, 2007
What: EZ's World Famous Beanburger - Fresh Ground Chuck topped with cheddar cheese, black beans, Fritos!, and picante, +guacamole added. Banana Milkshake
EZ's is a small chain based in San Antonio, it is casual-style dinning, with no waitstaff but bussers were there to clear the tables after patrons leave. The burger was fairly good, I've never had a burger with beans and or Fritos in it, but the beef was a little thin and lukewarm but cooked (they might freeze them or keep patties under a hot light) and they didn't ask me how I preferred it done. The milkshake was very good but only about 14 fl.oz., but then again, milkshakes no matter what the size never seem to be big enough for me and a burger.

We then went back to my brother's apartment and watched IFC's Greg the Bunny Show series 1 on DVD.
Thing: Greg the Bunny Show: Series One DVD
Where: Brother's computer
When: Thursday night/early Friday morning
What: disc one episodes of Greg the Bunny Show series one
My brother and I were both fans of the Fox series Greg the Bunny, it was canned. IFC took the series over but made some changes in the formatting, cast, and whatnot with a smaller budget. The Fox series featured Sarah Silverman before she was a more of a household name and I was sorry to see it canceled. The IFC series is pretty funny, entertaining, but not VERY funny. I give series one a B.
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