Saturday evening I went to the same Jazz Festival that every medium-sized city in the western world has. You know, the one with the requisite multiple stages, beer tents, corporate sponsors, funnel cake, and vendors selling handmade crafts, sand art, and wannabe-Thomas Kindades try to sell their bland artwork.
This one was in Corpus.

It was unique in its own way of course, I wouldn't be able to get some quality authentic Mexican food on the cheap at Jazz Festivals in other parts of the country and beer was $4, in the Northeast it would be $7 ...maybe. There also were a disproportionate amount of people smoking cigars there, one of the vendors was selling them.
This one was in Corpus.

It was unique in its own way of course, I wouldn't be able to get some quality authentic Mexican food on the cheap at Jazz Festivals in other parts of the country and beer was $4, in the Northeast it would be $7 ...maybe. There also were a disproportionate amount of people smoking cigars there, one of the vendors was selling them.
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