Saturday, February 13, 2010

flowerpot filter coffee hack

In my previous post I lamented the popularity of Nescafe and talked about the history of coffee drinking. Anyway, I drink a healthy amount of coffee and tea every day and I like to start my day with a cup of black brewed coffee. I use a french press and an electric coffee grinder to make my coffee when I live in the States. Now that I'm overseas I don't have the implements to make brewed coffee and it's not so common here as well.

I was able to find a tin of ground "American Coffee". I bought a small flower pot and hacked it so it's now a coffee maker for making filter coffee. The flower pot sits perfectly on top of a standard mug:

Shove knife into bottom of flower pot:

put filter in flower pot, put coffee in filter

place coffee making apparatus on top of coffee mug

pour in boiling water
enjoy delicious black coffee:

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