Tuesday, September 23, 2008

West Philadelphia

I went to go get a key copied yesterday in West Philadelphia, I tried at first to get my key copied at a shoe shine & shoe repair shop that advertised "Keys Made" below its storefront window. Interesting little shop with chummy patrons, but they had sold out of the type of key I needed. After biking around and looking for an actual locksmith, I settled with this store:

This is an interesting shop, as you can see as all the things that advertise, Oils, Gold & Diamonds (bought?) at Top price, Books, Incense, Clothing & Islamic Clothing, Watch Bands & Batteries. The oils they had there ranged from common scents like "Paris Hilton", "Opium", and "Black Lady".

You can't really tell but the shirt hanging up is a colorfull airbrushed Obama Biden shirt that says "Seize the Time"... Carpe Tempus, indeed (I had to look up Latin declension to make sure that was right).

This table was nearby outside. I had wondered what happened to all those wrestling toys that so many of my friends played with in elementary school.
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1 comment:

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