Monday, November 3, 2008

Palin 2012 - why and how?

I think Palin by now has had more than enough criticism, some unfair, but every time the press or she herself raises the idea of a 2012 bid they willfully ignore something that is jarringly obvious to me....

Who would vote for Palin that would vote for Obama over McCain?


Unknown said...

good question. i, too, wonder why she keeps being brought up as a future republican star. she's popular within her party, but that's about it. in fact, she's particularly UNpopular outside her party.

T.S.Drown said...

she's popular with activists and talk show hosts, overall registered republicans and party officials are smart enough not to turn to her for leadership (, someone like Bobby Jindal who is undeniably intelligent and articulate would be a better choice. Both parties can't campaign on the wrong side of in-the-middle and expect to win.

However, Palin stuck a nerve with a lot of people who would otherwise be dissatisfied with the political process. She ran on a very nationalist and populist platform, much like Perot in '96, Buchanan in '92, or event Byrant in 1896. It's a great strategy for winning Kansas.